
COBRA + Direct Billing Remittance Report:

Report of Premiums Collected from Members:
  • Your COBRA + Direct Billing Remittance Report is available for you to access from your VitaCOBRA employer portal,
  • The Remittance Report lists the payments collected from each member from the prior calendar month. If you had no enrolled members last month, a report will not generate.
How Premium is Sent to the Employer: 
  • The collected premium is forwarded via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) direct to the company bank account specified for receipt of premiums.
  • Premium should post into the company bank account approximately 2-3 business days after we send you this email. Please refer to this report to ensure that the amount posted matches the total premium transmitted.
  • If you have not signed up for EFT, the premium will instead be paid via check and will be mailed approximately within 5 business days after we send you this email.

Qualified Beneficiary Plan Member Report:  

Report with Plans, Coverage levels and Member Statuses, including QB Termination Status:
This report complements the Remittance Report as this report lists the status of each member, including members who have recently terminated from COBRA and/or Billing.
For a detailed outline of the Member Statuses, see Vita COBRA + Direct Billing Invoice Glossary.

Employer Responsibility to Verify Status Changes on Carrier Invoices:
Please review this report and the COBRA + Direct Billing Remittance Report in detail and remember that it is your responsibility to verify that the elections, terminations, and premium payment amounts indicated on these reports, are reflected on your insurance carrier invoice(s).

Generated Letters Detail Report:

Report of Letter Mailings
This report is a list of the letters and notices we have sent to your COBRA and/or Direct Billing members. You can run this report at any time and for any date range. We recommend you run the report at the start of every month to review the mailing activity from the prior calendar month.
Mandatory COBRA Letters
Please pay particular attention to the mandatory COBRA notices; the COBRA Specific Rights Notice (the notice sent to a Qualified Beneficiary who has experienced a COBRA Qualifying Event) and the COBRA General Rights Notice (the notice sent to an employee and their family members upon initial enrollment to the employer group health plan).
Letter Timing
There are maximum time periods under the COBRA law when these mandatory notices need to be provided. The Initial Notice has to be provided within 90 days from the employee and spouse plan enrollment date and the Qualifying Event notice has to be provided within 44 days from the Qualified Beneficiary’s date of loss of coverage.
Consequences of Late Letter Mailings
If these notices are provided late you may be operating outside the scope of the federal COBRA law and the most significant consequence is that you (as the employer) may incur serious financial liability if any un-notified Qualified Beneficiary desires to exercise his or her federal COBRA rights. If a federal COBRA auditor (DOL or IRS) asks for records of your mandated notices mailing process, this report can be provided to your auditor.